Good Bye Grove and Hello Lilygo

About Groove Heart Rate Sensor

From my previous blog, I have tried to collect the heart rate data overnight (many nights). From the logs I've collected, there are multiple time where the heart rate turn into negative value or just 0. Which really annoyed me. I there are nothing much I can do since the sensor is a plug and play without and easy way where I can try to debug and program it myself so, i have decide to looks for an alternative device.

before we jump to our new toy let's me sum up the pro and cons of this groove heart rate sensor.

- easy to use with I2C interface where you can just plugged in and read the data
- there are module to calculate Heart rate BPM for you, so you don't have to worry about it.
- it is cheap and you can use it with most well-know DIY microcontoller (Arduino, raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, stm32 etc.

- No easy way to modify it.
- For those who want to get the raw data of heart rate(Me), you can't
- No so reliable sensor data.

Hello Lilygo

and here is my new (not so friendly) friend. In short, it is an activity tracker watch for developer. They comes with many different option for you so, please make sure which one you really want.
I myself want the one with heart rate but then end up buying the one without it 😭 Here  is their aliexpress shop

After I bought it, I found that there "getting started page" is not so user friendly and there is no "One place to go for help". So, I think it is best to take a record on a useful resource I found along the way.

From their aliexpress shop, here are the links they provided about their product:

Deemarc Burakitbumrung

A software develper who graduated from Electronic and Communication Engineer. Have an interest in the field of programming and embedded system.

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